Why you need a dental checkup and clean (3 things you can’t do at home)

Dr Aran Moorthy

This article was written by Australian dental surgeon Dr Aran Moorthy, BDS. Dr Moorthy has a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide. You can read more about Dr Moorthy here >

woman having a dental check-up

Sometimes, it takes a bit of a nudge to leave home and jump in that dentist’s chair. Surely if we brush and floss at home, our teeth will be fine, yes? While daily brushing and flossing is essential to avoid tooth decay, sadly, it’s not enough to keep our teeth and gums in tip-top shape. And, without a professional inspection, there’s no way of knowing what’s going on beneath and around every surface. That’s why a regular dental checkup and cleaning is a good idea. Here is what’s involved.

Dental examination

A regular x-ray of your teeth and gums is essential to see what’s happening below the surface and identify any dental decay, bone loss, fractures and even cancers. Your dental professional can also monitor how close the teeth are to the nerves and sinuses. X-rays also provide a radiographic record of the teeth, which helps your dentist compare results over time and see if there are any changes. With this knowledge, your dentist can plan dental treatments appropriately to ensure the best dental care.

Your dentist (or hygienist) will also carefully inspect your teeth and gums to see if any oral health issues are lurking, such as gum inflammation, infection, or more serious problems that may affect the bone.

Your dental clean

Your dentist or hygienist will use specific tools more powerful than your toothbrush at home. For example, scalers work by vibration to loosen large pieces of tartar and calculus. Scalers simultaneously spray a mist of water, which washes away the debris to stop it from re-sticking to your teeth. Hand instruments like the hook-shaped curette gently scrape off smaller build-ups and deposits. Then, they will use a magnification glass and LED light to examine your teeth, gums and tongue.

Removing plaque

Plaque is the invisible, sticky film that builds up on the surface of your teeth. It’s made of bacteria and leftover food particles. The bacteria feed off the sugars from the food and drinks you consume and produce acids which harm your teeth, causing cavities. Regular brushing helps keep plaque at bay, but sadly, it doesn’t remove all of it. Plaque must be removed, though, because if it builds up, it will cause dental decay.

Removing tartar

Tartar is harder and rougher than plaque and can hide under the gums where your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. This is why your dentist needs an ultrasonic device to vibrate and loosen the tartar from the tooth’s surface. Once this is done, your teeth’s surface can be quite rough, so your dentist will polish your teeth to smooth out and remove any stains that may have built up. The polishing gives you that smooth, sparkling, professional clean feel.

Fluoride treatment

You’ll also receive a fluoride treatment in every checkup, scale, and clean at Oxford Street dentist. This helps coat your teeth’s enamel and protect them from tooth decay.

Dental checkup & clean FAQs

How much is a dental checkup and clean?

If you don’t have private health insurance, a dental exam, scale, clean fluoride and x-ray at Oxford Street Dental, Leederville, will cost you $199. (Value: $350)

Is a dental checkup covered in my extras insurance?

Yes. If you have private health insurance extras cover, typically, you’ll be eligible for a free dental checkup each year. However, we recommend you check with your health insurance policy.

If you do have insurance, you can get a check-up, scale & clean at Oxford Street Dental without paying a cent.

Who will perform my checkup and clean?

At Oxford Street Dental, either the dental hygienist or the dentist will perform your checkup and clean. An appointment with a dental hygienist will be less expensive.

What does a dental checkup and clean include?

At Oxford Street Dental, Leederville, a dental checkup and clean includes an examination, scale and clean, fluoride treatment and x-ray.

How long does a dental checkup and clean take?

A dental checkup, scale and clean at Oxford Street Dental Leederville takes 40 minutes.

Book your dental check up and clean in Leederville today.

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